騎士山KESEHILLS品酒晚宴 Kesehills Wine Dinner @Shenzhen

Koonowla莊主Andrew. J. Michael 完成香港站後,騎士仔領他來到深圳,介紹他的旗艦紅酒AJM Reserve,限量3個木桶。我們很榮幸能夠成為此限量美酒的第一批品嘗者。

Kesehills and the owner of Koonowla, Andrew J. Michael, headed north to Shenzhen for a wine dinner shortly after a memorable trip in Hong Kong. We are honored to be one of the first groups to taste the signature wine of Koonowla: A.J.M. Reserve 2014, which limited to 3 barrels.



Kesehills presented exclusive boutique wines at the 3rd Interwine Beijing 2019 and Intrewine Roadshow 2019 in Shanghai. Beijing and Shanghai are both one of the most developed places in China. Professional buyers were no shortage of star lineups. After tasting, they appreciated the quality of the fine wines.


品嘗世界第一紅酒 Kesehills Wine ProWine Asia 2019

國際葡萄酒及烈酒貿易博覽會ProWine Asia 2019今年凱旋回歸,將於5月7-10日在香港會議展覽中心盛大舉行。作爲澳洲葡萄酒專家,今年騎士山酒業亦首次參展,向大衆宣揚澳洲葡萄酒的獨特之處。

是次ProWine騎士山將會帶同澳洲紅五星級酒莊新鮮出爐的世界冠軍Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz以及Kellermeister Barossa Vineyards Shiraz 2014 一同參展!Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz 先後擊敗其他對手,奪得Best Wine In The World ,同時奪得London Wine Competition 2019 的Wine of the Year。

Barossa Vineyards Shiraz 2014經香港葡萄酒評審協會的盲品評分後,獲得全場總冠軍。ProWine期間HKWJA更會舉辦一場展示會介紹Kellermeister Barossa Vineyards Shiraz 2014。想一嘗世界級紅酒?記得下星期一定要親臨ProWine參觀。

Kellermeister 由Ralph Jones成立於1976年,名字源於記念Jones的德國籍母親。而Kellermeister在澳州當地有“Killer Master”的稱號 — 葡萄酒殺手大師。Kellermeister 為Kesehills Wine的其下代理品牌,商業合作或批發查詢請inbox或電郵至info@kesehills.com

London Wine Competition 2019 "Best Wine In The World" - Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz
HKWJA 的盲品評分全場總冠軍 - Kellermeister Barossa Vineyards Shiraz 2014

科通世界美酒中國行——福建站 INTERWINE ROADSHOW 2019 – FUJIAN​

騎士們剛剛從科通世界美酒中國行——福建站歸來,福建又被稱為南方城市最懂做生意的地方。騎士們馬不停蹄走到福建 – 福州、泉州、廈門、漳州,並開拓當地市場,將澳州紅五星級酒莊品牌推廣出去。 

Kesehills Wine just came back from Fujian roadshow. Fujian is also known as the most knowledgeable place to do business in southern cities. We went non-stop to Fujian – Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen, and Zhangzhou, and opened up local markets to promote the Australian red five-star winery brand.


Kesehills introduced the Australian red five-star winery red and white wine to the customers one by one. Many guests praised the high level of red and white wine after tasting.


早前提到三四月份為澳洲葡萄收成季節,騎士仔三月特意飛往澳洲南部巴羅莎伊頓谷(Eden Valley)參觀自家精品酒莊收成。來前早已聽聞今年澳洲葡萄受到上年霜降及今年熱浪影響,收成大減三到四成。




人手採摘 vs. 機器採摘



貓薄荷令貓著迷,聞到氣味貓貓已經興奮非常,何況喝下?美國有貓奴4年前開始研究貓飲用的「酒」(Cat Wine),讓「主人」可以酒醉一番!


貓飲用的酒,連名稱都借用人類喝的葡萄酒品種。貓酒現時有四種,兩款紅酒Catbernet(名字參考Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠)、Pinot Meow(名字參考Pinot Noir黑皮諾)。一款白酒Moscato(名字直取Moscato麝香葡萄),另外一款玫瑰酒White Kittendel。Pinot Meow呈紅色,和紅葡萄酒顏色相似。Moscato呈淡黃色,與白葡萄酒顏色接近。這兩款酒都是以紅菜頭、有機貓薄荷和純淨水釀造而成的。



266 Parkers Road, Mount Pleasant
SA 5235, Australia 

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SA Liquor Licence No. 57619606 – Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 it is an offence to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years or for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor.

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